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Chapter V Mental Disorders
International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification

5.  MENTAL DISORDERS (290-319)

In the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD-9), the corresponding Chapter V, "Mental Disorders," includes a glossary which defines the contents of each category. The introduction to Chapter V in ICD-9 indicates that the glossary is intended so that psychiatrists can make the diagnosis based on the descriptions provided rather than from the category titles.  Lay coders are instructed to code whatever diagnosis the physician records.
Chapter 5, "Mental Disorders," in ICD-9-CM uses the standard classification format with inclusion and exclusion terms, omitting the glossary as part of the main text.
The mental disorders section of ICD-9-CM has been expanded to incorporate additional psychiatric disorders not listed in ICD-9. The glossary from ICD-9 does not contain all these terms. It now appears in Appendix B, which also contains descriptions and definitions for the terms added in ICD-9-CM. Some of these were provided by the American Psychiatric Association's Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics who are preparing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Third Edition (DSM-III), and others from A Psychiatric Glossary.
The American Psychiatric Association provided invaluable assistance in modifying Chapter 5 of ICD-9-CM to incorporate detail useful to American clinicians and gave permission to use material from the aforementioned sources.
1.   Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, 9th Revision, World Health
      Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1975.
2.   American Psychiatric Association, Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics, Robert L. Spitzer, M.D., Chairman.
3.   A Psychiatric Glossary, Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C., 1975.

PSYCHOSES (290-299)

Excludes:     mental retardation (317-319)


Includes:      psychotic organic brain syndrome
Excludes:     nonpsychotic syndromes of organic etiology (310.0-310.9)
psychoses classifiable to 295-298 and without impairment of orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, and judgement, but associated with physical disease, injury, or condition affecting the brain [e.g., following childbirth] (295.0-298.8)
290       Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions
Code first the associated neurological condition
Excludes:       dementia not classified as senile, presenile, or arteriosclerotic (294.10-294.11)
psychoses classifiable to 295-298 occurring in the senium without dementia or delirium (295.0-298.8)
senility with mental changes of nonpsychotic severity (310.1)
transient organic psychotic conditions (293.0-293.9)
290.0    Senile dementia, uncomplicated
Senile dementia:
simple type
Excludes:       mild memory disturbances, not amounting to dementia, associated with senile brain disease (310.1)
senile dementia with:
delirium or confusion (290.3)
delusional [paranoid] features (290.20)
depressive features (290.21)
290.1    Presenile dementia
Brain syndrome with presenile brain disease
Excludes:       arteriosclerotic dementia (290.40-290.43)
dementia associated with other cerebral conditions (294.10-294.11)
290.10  Presenile dementia, uncomplicated
Presenile dementia:
simple type
290.11  Presenile dementia with delirium
Presenile dementia with acute confusional state
290.12  Presenile dementia with delusional features
Presenile dementia, paranoid type
290.13  Presenile dementia with depressive features
Presenile dementia, depressed type
290.2    Senile dementia with delusional or depressive features
Excludes:       senile dementia:
NOS (290.0)
with delirium and/or confusion (290.3)
290.20  Senile dementia with delusional features
Senile dementia, paranoid type
Senile psychosis NOS
290.21  Senile dementia with depressive features
290.3    Senile dementia with delirium
Senile dementia with acute confusional state
Excludes:       senile:
dementia NOS (290.0)
psychosis NOS (290.20)
290.4    Arteriosclerotic dementia
Multi-infarct dementia or psychosis
Use additional code to identify cerebral atherosclerosis (437.0)
Excludes:       suspected cases with no clear evidence of arteriosclerosis (290.9)
290.40  Arteriosclerotic dementia,uncomplicated
Arteriosclerotic dementia:
simple type
290.41  Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium
Arteriosclerotic dementia with acute confusional state
290.42  Arteriosclerotic dementia with delusional features
Arteriosclerotic dementia, paranoid type
290.43  Arteriosclerotic dementia with depressive features
Arteriosclerotic dementia, depressed type
290.8    Other specified senile psychotic conditions
Presbyophrenic psychosis
290.9    Unspecified senile psychotic condition
291       Alcoholic psychoses
Excludes:       alcoholism without psychosis (303.0-303.9)
291.0    Alcohol withdrawal delirium
Alcoholic delirium
Delirium tremens
Excludes:       alcohol withdrawal (291.81)
291.1    Alcohol amnestic syndrome
Alcoholic polyneuritic psychosis
Korsakoff's psychosis, alcoholic
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (alcoholic)
291.2    Other alcoholic dementia
Alcoholic dementia NOS
Alcoholism associated with dementia NOS
Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome
291.3    Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis
hallucinosis (acute)
psychosis with hallucinosis
Excludes:       alcohol withdrawal with delirium (291.0)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9) and paranoid states (297.0-297.9) taking the form of chronic hallucinosis with clear consciousness in an alcoholic
291.4    Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication
alcohol intoxication
Excludes:       acute alcohol intoxication (305.0)
in alcoholism (303.0)
simple drunkenness (305.0)
291.5    Alcoholic jealousy
psychosis, paranoid type
Excludes:       nonalcoholic paranoid states (297.0-297.9)
schizophrenia, paranoid type (295.3)
291.8    Other specified alcoholic psychosis
291.81  Alcohol withdrawal
abstinence syndrome or symptoms
withdrawal syndrome or symptoms
Excludes:       alcohol withdrawal:
delirium (291.0)
hallucinosis (291.3)
delirium tremens (291.0)
291.89  Other
291.9    Unspecified alcoholic psychosis
mania NOS
psychosis NOS
Alcoholism (chronic) with psychosis
292       Drug psychoses
Includes:         drug-induced mental disorders
organic brain syndrome associated with consumption of drugs
Use additional code for any associated drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
Use additional E code to identify drug
292.0    Drug withdrawal syndrome
abstinence syndrome or symptoms
withdrawal syndrome or symptoms
292.1    Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states induced by drugs
292.11  Drug-induced organic delusional syndrome
Paranoid state induced by drugs
292.12  Drug-induced hallucinosis
Hallucinatory state induced by drugs
Excludes:       states following LSD or other hallucinogens, lasting only a few days or less ["bad trips"] (305.3)
292.2    Pathological drug intoxication
Drug reaction resulting in brief psychotic states
Excludes:       expected brief psychotic reactions to hallucinogens ["bad trips"] (305.3)
physiological side-effects of drugs (e.g., dystonias)
292.8    Other specified drug-induced mental disorders
292.81  Drug-induced delirium
292.82  Drug-induced dementia
292.83  Drug-induced amnestic syndrome
292.84  Drug-induced organic affective syndrome
Depressive state induced by drugs
292.89  Other
Drug-induced organic personality syndrome
292.9    Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder
Organic psychosis NOS due to or associated with drugs
293       Transient organic psychotic conditions
Includes:         transient organic mental disorders not associated with alcohol or drugs
Code first the associated physical or neurological condition
Excludes:       confusional state or delirium superimposed on  senile dementia (290.3)
dementia due to:
alcohol (291.0-291.9)
arteriosclerosis (290.40-290.43)
drugs (292.82)
senility (290.0)
293.0    Acute delirium
confusional state
infective psychosis
organic reaction
posttraumatic organic psychosis
psycho-organic syndrome
Acute psychosis associated with endocrine, metabolic, or cerebrovascular disorder
confusional state
twilight state
293.1    Subacute delirium
confusional state
infective psychosis
organic reaction
posttraumatic organic psychosis
psycho-organic syndrome
psychosis associated with endocrine or metabolic disorder
293.8    Other specified transient organic mental disorders
293.81  Organic delusional syndrome
Transient organic psychotic condition, paranoid type
293.82  Organic hallucinosis syndrome
Transient organic psychotic condition, hallucinatory type
293.83  Organic affective syndrome
Transient organic psychotic condition, depressive type
293.84  Organic anxiety syndrome
293.89  Other
293.9    Unspecified transient organic mental disorder
Organic psychosis:
infective NOS
posttraumatic NOS
transient NOS
Psycho-organic syndrome
294       Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic)
Includes:         organic psychotic brain syndromes (chronic), not elsewhere classified
294.0    Amnestic syndrome
Korsakoff's psychosis or syndrome (nonalcoholic)
Excludes:       alcoholic:
amnestic syndrome (291.1)
Korsakoff's psychosis (291.1)
294.1    Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere
Code first any underlying physical condition as:
dementia in:
Alzheimer's disease (331.0)
cerebral lipidoses (330.1)
epilepsy (345.0-345.9)
general paresis [syphilis] (094.1)
hepatolenticular degeneration (275.1)
Huntington's chorea (333.4)
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (046.1)
multiple sclerosis (340)
Pick's disease of the brain (331.1)
polyarteritis nodosa (446.0)
syphilis (094.1)
Excludes:       dementia:
arteriosclerotic (290.40-290.43)
presenile (290.10-290.13)
senile (290.0)
epileptic psychosis NOS (294.8)
294.10  Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere without behavioral disturbance
Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere NOS
294.11  Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere with behavioral disturbance
Aggressive behavior
Combative behavior
Violent behavior
Wandering off
294.8    Other specified organic brain syndromes (chronic)
Epileptic psychosis NOS
Mixed paranoid and affective organic psychotic states
Use additional code for associated epilepsy (345.0-345.9)
Excludes:       mild memory disturbances, not amounting to dementia (310.1)
294.9    Unspecified organic brain syndrome (chronic)
Organic psychosis (chronic)


Use additional code to identify any associated physical disease, injury, or condition affecting the brain with psychoses classifiable to 295-298
295       Schizophrenic disorders
Includes:         schizophrenia of the types described in 295.0-295.9 occurring in children
Excludes:       childhood type schizophrenia (299.9)
infantile autism (299.0)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 295:
0 unspecified
1 subchronic
2 chronic
3 subchronic with acute exacerbation
4 chronic with acute exacerbation
5 in remission
295.0    Simple type
Schizophrenia simplex
Excludes:       latent schizophrenia (295.5)
295.1    Disorganized type
Hebephrenic type schizophrenia
295.2    Catatonic type
Catatonic (schizophrenia):
excited type
withdrawn type
flexibilitas cerea
295.3    Paranoid type
Paraphrenic schizophrenia
Excludes:       involutional paranoid state (297.2)
paranoia (297.1)
paraphrenia (297.2)
295.4    Acute schizophrenic episode
psychosis, confusional type
Excludes:       acute forms of schizophrenia of:
catatonic type (295.2)
hebephrenic type (295.1)
paranoid type (295.3)
simple type (295.0)
undifferentiated type (295.8)
295.5    Latent schizophrenia
Latent schizophrenic reaction
Excludes:       schizoid personality (301.20-301.22)
295.6    Residual schizophrenia
Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia
Restzustand (schizophrenic)
Schizophrenic residual state
295.7    Schizo-affective type
Cyclic schizophrenia
Mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis
Schizo-affective psychosis
Schizophreniform psychosis, affective type
295.8    Other specified types of schizophrenia
Acute (undifferentiated) schizophrenia
Atypical schizophrenia
Cenesthopathic schizophrenia
Excludes:       infantile autism (299.0)
295.9    Unspecified schizophrenia
mixed NOS
undifferentiated NOS
Schizophrenic reaction NOS
Schizophreniform psychosis NOS
296       Affective psychoses
Includes:         episodic affective disorders
Excludes:       neurotic depression (300.4)
reactive depressive psychosis (298.0)
reactive excitation (298.1)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 296.0-296.6:
0 unspecified
1 mild
2 moderate
3 severe, without mention of psychotic behavior
4 severe, specified as with psychotic behavior
5 in partial or unspecified remission
6 in full remission
296.0    Manic disorder, single episode
Hypomania (mild) NOS single episode or unspecified
Hypomanic psychosis single episode or unspecified
Mania (monopolar) NOS single episode or unspecified
Manic-depressive psychosis or reaction, single episode or unspecified:
hypomanic, single episode or unspecified
manic, single episode or unspecified
Excludes:       circular type, if there was a previous attack of depression (296.4)
296.1    Manic disorder, recurrent episode
Any condition classifiable to 296.0, stated to be recurrent
Excludes:       circular type, if there was a previous attack of depression (296.4)
296.2    Major depressive disorder, single episode
Depressive psychosis, single episode or unspecified
Endogenous depression, single episode or unspecified
Involutional melancholia, single episode or unspecified
Manic-depressive psychosis or reaction, depressed type, single episode or unspecified
Monopolar depression, single episode or unspecified
Psychotic depression, single episode or unspecified
Excludes:       circular type, if previous attack was of manic type (296.5)
depression NOS (311)
reactive depression (neurotic) (300.4)
psychotic (298.0)
296.3    Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode
Any condition classifiable to 296.2, stated to be recurrent
Excludes:       circular type, if previous attack was of manic type (296.5)
depression NOS (311)
reactive depression (neurotic) (300.4)
psychotic (298.0)
296.4    Bipolar affective disorder, manic
Bipolar disorder, now manic
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently manic
Excludes:       brief compensatory or rebound mood swings (296.99)
296.5    Bipolar affective disorder, depressed
Bipolar disorder, now depressed
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently depressed
Excludes:       brief compensatory or rebound mood swings (296.99)
296.6    Bipolar affective disorder, mixed
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, mixed
296.7    Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified
Atypical bipolar affective disorder NOS
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, current condition not specified as either manic or depressive
296.8    Manic-depressive psychosis, other and unspecified
296.80  Manic-depressive psychosis, unspecified
reaction NOS
syndrome NOS
296.81  Atypical manic disorder
296.82  Atypical depressive disorder
296.89  Other
Manic-depressive psychosis, mixed type
296.9    Other and unspecified affective psychoses
Excludes:       psychogenic affective psychoses (298.0-298.8)
296.90  Unspecified affective psychosis
Affective psychosis NOS
Melancholia NOS
296.99  Other specified affective psychoses
Mood swings:
brief compensatory
297       Paranoid states (Delusional disorders)
Includes:         paranoid disorders
Excludes:       acute paranoid reaction (298.3)
alcoholic jealousy or paranoid state (291.5)
paranoid schizophrenia (295.3)
297.0    Paranoid state, simple
297.1    Paranoia
Chronic paranoid psychosis
Sander's disease
Systematized delusions
Excludes:       paranoid personality disorder (301.0)
297.2    Paraphrenia
Involutional paranoid state
Late paraphrenia
Paraphrenia (involutional)
297.3    Shared paranoid disorder
Folie à deux
Induced psychosis or paranoid disorder
297.8    Other specified paranoid states
Paranoia querulans
Sensitiver Beziehungswahn
Excludes:       acute paranoid reaction or state (298.3)
senile paranoid state (290.20)
297.9    Unspecified paranoid state
disorder NOS
psychosis NOS
reaction NOS
state NOS
298       Other nonorganic psychoses
Includes:         psychotic conditions due to or provoked by:
emotional stress
environmental factors as major part of etiology
298.0    Depressive type psychosis
Psychogenic depressive psychosis
Psychotic reactive depression
Reactive depressive psychosis
Excludes:       manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
neurotic depression (300.4)
reactive depression NOS (300.4)
298.1    Excitative type psychosis
Acute hysterical psychosis
Psychogenic excitation
Reactive excitation
Excludes:       manic-depressive psychosis, manic type (296.0-296.1)
298.2    Reactive confusion
Psychogenic confusion
Psychogenic twilight state
Excludes:       acute confusional state (293.0)
298.3    Acute paranoid reaction
Acute psychogenic paranoid psychosis
Bouffée délirante
Excludes:       paranoid states (297.0-297.9)
298.4    Psychogenic paranoid psychosis
Protracted reactive paranoid psychosis
298.8    Other and unspecified reactive psychosis
Brief reactive psychosis NOS
Hysterical psychosis
Psychogenic psychosis NOS
Psychogenic stupor
Excludes:       acute hysterical psychosis (298.1)
298.9    Unspecified psychosis
Atypical psychosis
Psychosis NOS
299       Psychoses with origin specific to childhood
Includes:         pervasive developmental disorders
Excludes:       adult type psychoses occurring in childhood, as:
affective disorders (296.0-296.9)
manic-depressive disorders (296.0-296.9)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 299:
0 current or active state
1 residual state
299.0    Infantile autism
Childhood autism
Infantile psychosis
Kanner's syndrome
Excludes:       disintegrative psychosis (299.1)
Heller's syndrome (299.1)
schizophrenic syndrome of childhood (299.9)
299.1    Disintegrative psychosis
Heller's syndrome
Use additional code to identify any associated neurological disorder
Excludes:       infantile autism (299.0)
schizophrenic syndrome of childhood (299.9)
299.8    Other specified early childhood psychoses
Atypical childhood psychosis
Borderline psychosis of childhood
Excludes:       simple stereotypes without psychotic disturbance (307.3)
299.9    Unspecified
Child psychosis NOS
Schizophrenia, childhood type NOS
Schizophrenic syndrome of childhood NOS
Excludes:       schizophrenia of adult type occurring in childhood (295.0-295.9)


300       Neurotic disorders
300.0    Anxiety states
Excludes:       anxiety in:
acute stress reaction (308.0)
transient adjustment reaction (309.24)
neurasthenia (300.5)
psychophysiological disorders (306.0-306.9)
separation anxiety (309.21)
300.00  Anxiety state, unspecified
state (neurotic)
Atypical anxiety disorder
300.01  Panic disorder
300.02  Generalized anxiety disorder
300.09  Other
300.1    Hysteria
Excludes:       adjustment reaction (309.0-309.9)
anorexia nervosa (307.1)
gross stress reaction (308.0-308.9)
hysterical personality (301.50-301.59)
psychophysiologic disorders (306.0-306.9)
300.10  Hysteria, unspecified
300.11  Conversion disorder
Astasia-abasia, hysterical
Conversion hysteria or reaction
300.12  Psychogenic amnesia
Hysterical amnesia
300.13  Psychogenic fugue
Hysterical fugue
300.14  Multiple personality
Dissociative identity disorder
300.15  Dissociative disorder or reaction, unspecified
300.16  Factitious illness with psychological symptoms
Compensation neurosis
Ganser's syndrome, hysterical
300.19  Other and unspecified factitious illness
Factitious illness (with physical symptoms) NOS
Excludes:       multiple operations or hospital addiction syndrome (301.51)
300.2    Phobic disorders
Excludes:       anxiety state not associated with a specific situation or object (300.00-300.09)
obsessional phobias (300.3)
300.20  Phobia, unspecified
Anxiety-hysteria NOS
Phobia NOS
300.21  Agoraphobia with panic attacks
Fear of:
open spaces with panic attacks
streets with panic attacks
travel with panic attacks
300.22  Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks
Any condition classifiable to 300.21 without mention of panic attacks
300.23  Social phobia
Fear of:
eating in public
public speaking
washing in public
300.29  Other isolated or simple phobias
Animal phobias
Fear of crowds
300.3    Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Anancastic neurosis
Compulsive neurosis
Obsessional phobia [any]
Excludes:       obsessive-compulsive symptoms occurring in:
endogenous depression (296.2-296.3)
organic states (e.g., encephalitis) schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
300.4    Neurotic depression
Anxiety depression
Depression with anxiety
Depressive reaction
Dysthymic disorder
Neurotic depressive state
Reactive depression
Excludes:       adjustment reaction with depressive symptoms (309.0-309.1)
depression NOS (311)
manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
reactive depressive psychosis (298.0)
300.5    Neurasthenia
Fatigue neurosis
Nervous debility
general fatigue
Use additional code to identify any associated physical disorder
Excludes:       anxiety state (300.00-300.09)
neurotic depression (300.4)
psychophysiological disorders (306.0-306.9)
specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310.0-310.9)
300.6    Depersonalization syndrome
Depersonalization disorder
Derealization (neurotic)
Neurotic state with depersonalization episode
Excludes:       depersonalization associated with:
anxiety (300.00-300.09)
depression (300.4)
manic-depressive disorder or psychosis (296.0-296.9)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
300.7    Hypochondriasis
Body dysmorphic disorder
Excludes:       hypochondriasis in:
hysteria (300.10-300.19)
manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
neurasthenia (300.5)
obsessional disorder (300.3)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
300.8    Other neurotic disorders
300.81  Somatization disorder
Briquet's disorder
Severe somatoform disorder
300.82  Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
Atypical somatoform disorder
Somatoform disorder NOS
300.89  Other
Occupational neurosis, including writers' cramp
Psychasthenic neurosis
300.9    Unspecified neurotic disorder
Neurosis NOS
Psychoneurosis NOS
301       Personality disorders
Includes:         character neurosis
Use additional code to identify any associated neurosis or psychosis, or physical condition
Excludes:       nonpsychotic personality disorder associated with organic brain syndromes (310.0-310.9)
301.0    Paranoid personality disorder
Fanatic personality
Paranoid personality (disorder)
Paranoid traits
Excludes:       acute paranoid reaction (298.3)
alcoholic paranoia (291.5)
paranoid schizophrenia (295.3)
paranoid states (297.0-297.9)
301.1    Affective personality disorder
Excludes:       affective psychotic disorders (296.0-296.9)
neurasthenia (300.5)
neurotic depression (300.4)
301.10  Affective personality disorder, unspecified
301.11  Chronic hypomanic personality disorder
Chronic hypomanic disorder
Hypomanic personality
301.12  Chronic depressive personality disorder
Chronic depressive disorder
Depressive character or personality
301.13  Cyclothymic disorder
Cycloid personality
Cyclothymic personality
301.2    Schizoid personality disorder
Excludes:       schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
301.20  Schizoid personality disorder, unspecified
301.21  Introverted personality
301.22  Schizotypal personality
301.3    Explosive personality disorder
Emotional instability (excessive)
Pathological emotionality
Excludes:       dyssocial personality (301.7)
hysterical neurosis (300.10-300.19)
301.4    Compulsive personality disorder
Anancastic personality
Obsessional personality
Excludes:       obsessive-compulsive disorder (300.3)
phobic state (300.20-300.29)
301.5    Histrionic personality disorder
Excludes:       hysterical neurosis (300.10-300.19)
301.50  Histrionic personality disorder, unspecified
Hysterical personality NOS
301.51  Chronic factitious illness with physical symptoms
Hospital addiction syndrome
Multiple operations syndrome
Munchausen syndrome
301.59  Other histrionic personality disorder
emotionally unstable
301.6    Dependent personality disorder
Asthenic personality
Inadequate personality
Passive personality
Excludes:       neurasthenia (300.5)
passive-aggressive personality (301.84)
301.7    Antisocial personality disorder
Amoral personality
Asocial personality
Dyssocial personality
Personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation
Excludes:       disturbance of conduct without specifiable personality disorder (312.0-312.9)
explosive personality (301.3)
301.8    Other personality disorders
301.81  Narcissistic personality
301.82  Avoidant personality
301.83  Borderline personality
301.84  Passive-aggressive personality
301.89  Other
"haltlose" type
Excludes:       psychoinfantile personality (301.59)
301.9    Unspecified personality disorder
Pathological personality NOS
Personality disorder NOS
constitutional state
personality (disorder)
302       Sexual deviations and disorders
Excludes:       sexual disorder manifest in:
organic brain syndrome (290.0-294.9, 310.0-310.9)
psychosis (295.0-298.9)
302.0    Ego-dystonic homosexuality
Ego-dystonic lesbianism
Homosexual conflict disorder
Excludes:       homosexual pedophilia (302.2)
302.1    Zoophilia
302.2    Pedophilia
302.3    Transvestism
Excludes:       trans-sexualism (302.5)
302.4    Exhibitionism
302.5    Trans-sexualism
Excludes:       transvestism (302.3)
302.50  With unspecified sexual history
302.51  With asexual history
302.52  With homosexual history
302.53  With heterosexual history
302.6    Disorders of psychosexual identity
Feminism in boys
Gender identity disorder of childhood
Excludes:       gender identity disorder in adult (302.85)
homosexuality (302.0)
trans-sexualism (302.50-302.53)
transvestism (302.3)
302.7    Psychosexual dysfunction
Excludes:       impotence of organic origin (607.84)
normal transient symptoms from ruptured hymen
transient or occasional failures of erection due to fatigue, anxiety, alcohol, or drugs
302.70  Psychosexual dysfunction, unspecified
302.71  With inhibited sexual desire
302.72  With inhibited sexual excitement
302.73  With inhibited female orgasm
302.74  With inhibited male orgasm
302.75  With premature ejaculation
302.76  With functional dyspareunia
Dyspareunia, psychogenic
302.79  With other specified psychosexual dysfunctions
302.8    Other specified psychosexual disorders
302.81  Fetishism
302.82  Voyeurism
302.83  Sexual masochism
302.84  Sexual sadism
302.85  Gender identity disorder of adolescent or adult life
302.89  Other
302.9    Unspecified psychosexual disorder
Pathologic sexuality NOS
Sexual deviation NOS
303       Alcohol dependence syndrome
Use additional code to identify any associated condition, as:
alcoholic psychoses (291.0-291.9)
drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
physical complications of alcohol, such as:
cerebral degeneration (331.7)
cirrhosis of liver (571.2)
epilepsy (345.0-345.9)
gastritis (535.3)
hepatitis (571.1)
liver damage NOS (571.3)
Excludes:       drunkenness NOS (305.0)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 303:
0 unspecified
1 continuous
2 episodic
3 in remission
303.0    Acute alcoholic intoxication
Acute drunkenness in alcoholism
303.9    Other and unspecified alcohol dependence
Chronic alcoholism
304       Drug dependence
Excludes:       nondependent abuse of drugs (305.1-305.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 304:
0 unspecified
1 continuous
2 episodic
3 in remission
304.0    Opioid type dependence
Opium alkaloids and their derivatives
Synthetics with morphine-like effects
304.1    Barbiturate and similarly acting sedative or hypnotic dependence
Nonbarbiturate sedatives and tranquilizers with a similar effect:
304.2    Cocaine dependence
Coca leaves and derivatives
304.3    Cannabis dependence
304.4    Amphetamine and other psychostimulant dependence
304.5    Hallucinogen dependence
Dimethyltryptamine [DMT]
Lysergic acid diethylamide [LSD] and derivatives
304.6    Other specified drug dependence
Absinthe addiction
Glue sniffing
Excludes:       tobacco dependence (305.1)
304.7    Combinations of opioid type drug with any other
304.8    Combinations of drug dependence excluding opioid type drug
304.9    Unspecified drug dependence
Drug addiction NOS
Drug dependence NOS
305       Nondependent abuse of drugs
Note:    Includes cases where a person, for whom no other diagnosis is possible, has come under medical care because of the maladaptive effect of a drug on which he is not dependent and that he has taken on his own initiative to the detriment of his health or social functioning.
Excludes:       alcohol dependence syndrome (303.0-303.9)
drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
drug withdrawal syndrome (292.0)
poisoning by drugs or medicinal substances (960.0-979.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with codes 305.0, 305.2-305.9
0 unspecified
1 continuous
2 episodic
3 in remission
305.0    Alcohol abuse
Drunkenness NOS
Excessive drinking of alcohol NOS
"Hangover" (alcohol)
Inebriety NOS
Excludes:       acute alcohol intoxication in alcoholism (303.0)
alcoholic psychoses (291.0-291.9)
305.1    Tobacco use disorder
Tobacco dependence
Excludes:       history of tobacco use (V15.82)
305.2    Cannabis abuse
305.3    Hallucinogen abuse
Acute intoxication from hallucinogens ["bad trips"]
LSD reaction
305.4    Barbiturate and similarly acting sedative or hypnotic abuse
305.5    Opioid abuse
305.6    Cocaine abuse
305.7    Amphetamine or related acting sympathomimetic abuse
305.8    Antidepressant type abuse
305.9    Other, mixed, or unspecified drug abuse
"Laxative habit"
Misuse of drugs NOS
Nonprescribed use of drugs or patent medicinals
306       Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors
Includes:         psychogenic:
physical symptoms not involving tissue damage
physiological manifestations not involving tissue damage
Excludes:       hysteria (300.11-300.19)
physical symptoms secondary to a psychiatric disorder classified elsewhere
psychic factors associated with physical conditions involving tissue damage classified elsewhere (316)
specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310.0-310.9)
306.0    Musculoskeletal
Psychogenic paralysis
Psychogenic torticollis
Excludes:       Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (307.23)
paralysis as hysterical or conversion reaction (300.11)
tics (307.20-307.22)
306.1    Respiratory
air hunger
Excludes:       psychogenic asthma (316 and 493.9)
306.2    Cardiovascular
Cardiac neurosis
Cardiovascular neurosis
Neurocirculatory asthenia
Psychogenic cardiovascular disorder
Excludes:       psychogenic paroxysmal tachycardia (316 and 427.2)
306.3    Skin
Psychogenic pruritus
Excludes:       psychogenic:
alopecia (316 and 704.00)
dermatitis (316 and 692.9)
eczema (316 and 691.8 or 692.9)
urticaria (316 and 708.0-708.9)
306.4    Gastrointestinal
Cyclical vomiting, psychogenic
Diarrhea, psychogenic
Nervous gastritis
Psychogenic dyspepsia
Excludes:       cyclical vomiting NOS (536.2)
globus hystericus (300.11)
mucous colitis (316 and 564.9)
cardiospasm (316 and 530.0)
duodenal ulcer (316 and 532.0-532.9)
gastric ulcer (316 and 531.0-531.9)
peptic ulcer NOS (316 and 533.0-533.9)
vomiting NOS (307.54)
306.5    Genitourinary
Excludes:       enuresis, psychogenic (307.6)
frigidity (302.72)
impotence (302.72)
psychogenic dyspareunia (302.76)
306.50  Psychogenic genitourinary malfunction, unspecified
306.51  Psychogenic vaginismus
Functional vaginismus
306.52  Psychogenic dysmenorrhea
306.53  Psychogenic dysuria
306.59  Other
306.6    Endocrine
306.7    Organs of special sense
Excludes:       hysterical blindness or deafness (300.11)
psychophysical visual disturbances (368.16)
306.8    Other specified psychophysiological malfunction
Teeth grinding
306.9    Unspecified psychophysiological malfunction
Psychophysiologic disorder NOS
Psychosomatic disorder NOS
307       Special symptoms or syndromes, not elsewhere classified
Note:    This category is intended for use if the psychopathology is manifested by a single specific symptom or group of symptoms which is not part of an organic illness or other mental disorder classifiable elsewhere.
Excludes:       those due to mental disorders classified elsewhere
those of organic origin
307.0    Stammering and stuttering
Excludes:       dysphasia (784.5)
lisping or lalling (307.9)
retarded development of speech (315.31-315.39)
307.1    Anorexia nervosa
Excludes:       eating disturbance NOS (307.50)
feeding problem (783.3)
of nonorganic origin (307.59)
loss of appetite (783.0)
of nonorganic origin (307.59)
307.2    Tics
Excludes:       nail-biting or thumb-sucking (307.9)
stereotypes occurring in isolation (307.3)
tics of organic origin (333.3)
307.20  Tic disorder, unspecified
307.21  Transient tic disorder of childhood
307.22  Chronic motor tic disorder
307.23  Gilles de la Tourette's disorder
Motor-verbal tic disorder
307.3    Stereotyped repetitive movements
Head banging
Spasmus nutans
Stereotypes NOS
Excludes:       tics (307.20-307.23)
of organic origin (333.3)
307.4    Specific disorders of sleep of nonorganic origin
Excludes:       narcolepsy (347)
those of unspecified cause (780.50-780.59)
307.40  Nonorganic sleep disorder, unspecified
307.41  Transient disorder of initiating or maintaining sleep
Hyposomnia associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
Insomnia associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
Sleeplessness associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
307.42  Persistent disorder of initiating or maintaining sleep
Hyposomnia, insomnia, or sleeplessness associated with:
conditioned arousal
depression (major) (minor)
307.43  Transient disorder of initiating or maintaining wakefulness
Hypersomnia associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
307.44  Persistent disorder of initiating or maintaining wakefulness
Hypersomnia associated with depression (major) (minor)
307.45  Phase-shift disruption of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle
Irregular sleep-wake rhythm, nonorganic origin
Jet lag syndrome
Rapid time-zone change
Shifting sleep-work schedule
307.46  Somnambulism or night terrors
307.47  Other dysfunctions of sleep stages or arousal from sleep
REM-sleep type
Sleep drunkenness
307.48  Repetitive intrusions of sleep
Repetitive intrusion of sleep with:
atypical polysomnographic features
environmental disturbances
repeated REM-sleep interruptions
307.49  Other
Subjective insomnia complaint
307.5    Other and unspecified disorders of eating
Excludes:       anorexia:
nervosa (307.1)
of unspecified cause (783.0)
overeating, of unspecified cause (783.6)
NOS (787.0)
cyclical (536.2)
psychogenic (306.4)
307.50  Eating disorder, unspecified
307.51  Bulimia
Overeating of nonorganic origin
307.52  Pica
Perverted appetite of nonorganic origin
307.53  Psychogenic rumination
Regurgitation, of nonorganic origin, of food with reswallowing
Excludes:       obsessional rumination (300.3)
307.54  Psychogenic vomiting
307.59  Other
Infantile feeding disturbances of nonorganic origin
Loss of appetite of nonorganic origin
307.6    Enuresis
Enuresis (primary) (secondary) of nonorganic origin
Excludes:       enuresis of unspecified cause (788.3)
307.7    Encopresis
Encopresis (continuous) (discontinuous) of nonorganic origin
Excludes:       encopresis of unspecified cause (787.6)
307.8    Psychalgia
307.80  Psychogenic pain, site unspecified
307.81  Tension headache
Excludes:       headache:
NOS (784.0)
migraine (346.0-346.9)
307.89  Other
Psychogenic backache
Excludes:       pains not specifically attributable to a psychological cause (in):
back (724.5)
joint (719.4)
limb (729.5)
lumbago (724.2)
rheumatic (729.0)
307.9    Other and unspecified special symptoms or syndromes, not elsewhere classified
Hair plucking
308       Acute reaction to stress
Includes:         catastrophic stress
combat fatigue
gross stress reaction (acute)
transient disorders in response to exceptional physical or mental stress which usually subside within hours or days
Excludes:       adjustment reaction or disorder (309.0-309.9)
chronic stress reaction (309.1-309.9)
308.0    Predominant disturbance of emotions
Anxiety as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Emotional crisis as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Panic state as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
308.1    Predominant disturbance of consciousness
Fugues as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
308.2    Predominant psychomotor disturbance
Agitation states as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Stupor as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
308.3    Other acute reactions to stress
Acute situational disturbance
Brief or acute posttraumatic stress disorder
Excludes:       prolonged posttraumatic emotional disturbance (309.81)
308.4    Mixed disorders as reaction to stress
308.9    Unspecified acute reaction to stress
309       Adjustment reaction
Includes:         adjustment disorders
reaction (adjustment) to chronic stress
Excludes:       acute reaction to major stress (308.0-308.9)
neurotic disorders (300.0-300.9)
309.0    Brief depressive reaction
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
Grief reaction
Excludes:       affective psychoses (296.0-296.9)
neurotic depression (300.4)
prolonged depressive reaction (309.1)
psychogenic depressive psychosis (298.0)
309.1    Prolonged depressive reaction
Excludes:       affective psychoses (296.0-296.9)
brief depressive reaction (309.0)
neurotic depression (300.4)
psychogenic depressive psychosis (298.0)
309.2    With predominant disturbance of other emotions
309.21  Separation anxiety disorder
309.22  Emancipation disorder of adolescence and early adult life
309.23  Specific academic or work inhibition
309.24  Adjustment reaction with anxious mood
309.28  Adjustment reaction with mixed emotional features
Adjustment reaction with anxiety and depression
309.29  Other
Culture shock
309.3    With predominant disturbance of conduct
Conduct disturbance as adjustment reaction
Destructiveness as adjustment reaction
Excludes:       destructiveness in child (312.9)
disturbance of conduct NOS (312.9)
dyssocial behavior without manifest psychiatric disorder (V71.01-V71.02)
personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestations (301.7)
309.4    With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
309.8    Other specified adjustment reactions
309.81  Prolonged posttraumatic stress disorder
Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
Concentration camp syndrome
Excludes:       posttraumatic brain syndrome:
nonpsychotic (310.2)
psychotic (293.0-293.9)
309.82  Adjustment reaction with physical symptoms
309.83  Adjustment reaction with withdrawal
Elective mutism as adjustment reaction
Hospitalism (in children) NOS
309.89  Other
309.9    Unspecified adjustment reaction
Adaptation reaction NOS
Adjustment reaction NOS
310       Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders due to organic brain damage
Excludes:       neuroses, personality disorders, or other nonpsychotic conditions occurring in a form similar to that seen with functional disorders but in association with a physical condition (300.0-300.9, 301.0-301.9)
310.0    Frontal lobe syndrome
Lobotomy syndrome
Postleucotomy syndrome [state]
Excludes:       postcontusion syndrome (310.2)
310.1    Organic personality syndrome
Cognitive or personality change of other type, of nonpsychotic severity
Mild memory disturbance
Organic psychosyndrome of nonpsychotic severity
Presbyophrenia NOS
Senility with mental changes of nonpsychotic severity
310.2    Postconcussion syndrome
Postcontusion syndrome or encephalopathy
Posttraumatic brain syndrome, nonpsychotic
Status postcommotio cerebri
Excludes:       any organic psychotic conditions following head injury (293.0-294.0)
frontal lobe syndrome (310.0)
postencephalitic syndrome (310.8)
310.8    Other specified nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage
Postencephalitic syndrome
Other focal (partial) organic psychosyndromes
310.9    Unspecified nonpsychotic mental disorder following organic brain damage
311       Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified
Depressive disorder NOS
Depressive state NOS
Depression NOS
Excludes:       acute reaction to major stress with depressive symptoms (308.0)
affective personality disorder (301.10-301.13)
affective psychoses (296.0-296.9)
brief depressive reaction (309.0)
depressive states associated with stressful events (309.0-309.1)
disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence, with misery and unhappiness (313.1)
mixed adjustment reaction with depressive symptoms (309.4)
neurotic depression (300.4)
prolonged depressive adjustment reaction (309.1)
psychogenic depressive psychosis (298.0)
312       Disturbance of conduct, not elsewhere classified
Excludes:       adjustment reaction with disturbance of conduct (309.3)
drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
dyssocial behavior without manifest psychiatric disorder (V71.01-V71.02)
personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestations (301.7)
sexual deviations (302.0-302.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 312.0-312.2:
0 unspecified
1 mild
2 moderate
3 severe
312.0    Undersocialized conduct disorder, aggressive type
Aggressive outburst
Anger reaction
Unsocialized aggressive disorder
312.1    Undersocialized conduct disorder, unaggressive type
Childhood truancy, unsocialized
Solitary stealing
312.2    Socialized conduct disorder
Childhood truancy, socialized
Group delinquency
Excludes:       gang activity without manifest psychiatric disorder (V71.01)
312.3    Disorders of impulse control, not elsewhere classified
312.30  Impulse control disorder, unspecified
312.31  Pathological gambling
312.32  Kleptomania
312.33  Pyromania
312.34  Intermittent explosive disorder
312.35  Isolated explosive disorder
312.39  Other
312.4    Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotions
Neurotic delinquency
Excludes:       compulsive conduct disorder (312.3)
312.8    Other specified disturbances of conduct, not elsewhere classified
312.81  Conduct disorder, childhood onset type
312.82  Conduct disorder, adolescent onset type
312.89  Other conduct disorder
312.9    Unspecified disturbance of conduct
Delinquency (juvenile)
313       Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence
Excludes:       adjustment reaction (309.0-309.9)
emotional disorder of neurotic type (300.0-300.9)
masturbation, nail-biting, thumb-sucking, and other isolated symptoms (307.0-307.9)
313.0    Overanxious disorder
Anxiety and fearfulness of childhood and adolescence
Overanxious disorder of childhood and adolescence
Excludes:       abnormal separation anxiety (309.21)
anxiety states (300.00-300.09)
hospitalism in children (309.83)
phobic state (300.20-300.29)
313.1    Misery and unhappiness disorder
Excludes:       depressive neurosis (300.4)
313.2    Sensitivity, shyness, and social withdrawal disorder
Excludes:       infantile autism (299.0)
schizoid personality (301.20-301.22)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
313.21  Shyness disorder of childhood
Sensitivity reaction of childhood or adolescence
313.22  Introverted disorder of childhood
Social withdrawal of childhood or  adolescence
Withdrawal reaction of childhood or  adolescence
313.23  Elective mutism
Excludes:       elective mutism as adjustment reaction (309.83)
313.3    Relationship problems
Sibling jealousy
Excludes:       relationship problems associated with aggression, destruction, or other forms of conduct disturbance (312.0-312.9)
313.8    Other or mixed emotional disturbances of childhood or adolescence
313.81  Oppositional disorder
313.82  Identity disorder
313.83  Academic underachievement disorder
313.89  Other
313.9    Unspecified emotional disturbance of childhood
314       Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood
Excludes:       hyperkinesis as symptom of underlying disorder­code the underlying disorder
314.0    Attention deficit disorder
314.00  Without mention of hyperactivity
Predominantly inattentive type
314.01  With hyperactivity
Combined type
Overactivity NOS
Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type
Simple disturbance of attention with overactivity
314.1    Hyperkinesis with developmental delay
Developmental disorder of hyperkinesis
Use additional code to identify any associated neurological disorder
314.2    Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
Hyperkinetic conduct disorder without developmental delay
Excludes:       hyperkinesis with significant delays in specific skills (314.1)
314.8    Other specified manifestations of hyperkinetic syndrome
314.9    Unspecified hyperkinetic syndrome
Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS
Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS
315       Specific delays in development
Excludes:       that due to a neurological disorder (320.0-389.9)
315.0    Specific reading disorder
315.00  Reading disorder, unspecified
315.01  Alexia
315.02  Developmental dyslexia
315.09  Other
Specific spelling difficulty
315.1    Specific arithmetical disorder
315.2    Other specific learning difficulties
Excludes:       specific arithmetical disorder (315.1)
specific reading disorder (315.00-315.09)
315.3    Developmental speech or language disorder
315.31  Developmental language disorder
Developmental aphasia
Expressive language disorder
Word deafness
Excludes:       acquired aphasia (784.3)
elective mutism (309.83, 313.0, 313.23)
315.32  Receptive language disorder (mixed)
Receptive expressive language disorder
315.39  Other
Developmental articulation disorder
Excludes:       lisping and lalling (307.9)
stammering and stuttering (307.0)
315.4    Coordination disorder
Clumsiness syndrome
Dyspraxia syndrome
Specific motor development disorder
315.5    Mixed development disorder
315.8    Other specified delays in development
315.9    Unspecified delay in development
Developmental disorder NOS
316       Psychic factors associated with diseases classified elsewhere
Psychologic factors in physical conditions classified elsewhere
Use additional code to identify the associated physical condition, as:
asthma (493.9)
dermatitis (692.9)
duodenal ulcer (532.0-532.9)
eczema (691.8, 692.9)
gastric ulcer (531.0-531.9)
mucous colitis (564.9)
paroxysmal tachycardia (427.2)
ulcerative colitis (556)
urticaria (708.0-708.9)
psychosocial dwarfism (259.4)
Excludes:       physical symptoms and physiological malfunctions, not involving tissue damage, of mental origin (306.0-306.9)


Use additional code(s) to identify any associated psychiatric or physical condition(s)
317       Mild mental retardation
High-grade defect
IQ 50-70
Mild mental subnormality
318       Other specified mental retardation
318.0    Moderate mental retardation
IQ 35-49
Moderate mental subnormality
318.1    Severe mental retardation
IQ 20-34
Severe mental subnormality
318.2    Profound mental retardation
IQ under 20
Profound mental subnormality
319       Unspecified mental retardation
Mental deficiency NOS
Mental subnormality NOS

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